About eBusWorks
eBusWorks™ provides an integrated web environment for managing bus stop infrastructure works projects. Local authorities are generally responsible for locating bus stops, and for providing and maintaining associated on-street furniture. To achieve this requires participation by the various in-house departments, other authorities, various external suppliers and sub-contractors. eBusWorks allows for a single point of entry by all participants to access and manage records of their respective tasks in unison with one another.
The website provides a modern way to administer such projects end-to-end on a day-to-day basis, and ensures common visibility and coordinated input by all concerned.
Because the site provides a live interface the information viewed is always current. Users roles are assigned, and access requires authentication. Roles forms the basis for restricting user access to the various facets of the suite. Whereas manager and project owner roles have broad access rights, delegate and contractor roles have narrower targeted access rights to only the specific factes of concern to them. While most users can view overall project details, editing permissions are restricted to ensure users can only make targeted changes.
Projects incorporate communication layers to enable participants to trigger emails, download survey and inspection report templates that simplify required tasks, with built-in file management capabilities.